
flobots and envy on the coast..

it's not really comic sans.. refresh the web page and it will reveal a secret.. :)


"the price of getting what you want.. is getting what you once wanted.." -dream

maybe.. the reason why some people do not "want" things.. is because they are afraid of getting them.. not losing them once they have "it"..


not sure if we are really good people pretending to be bad..
or bad people pretending to be good...


a friend of mine told me this..

we humans.. we have 2 wolves inside.. one white.. the other is black..

we feed the white wolf with virtues.. like honesty.. respect..
honor and other good deeds..

the black wolf.. we feed it with sins.. like dishonesty.. lust..
treachery.. etc..

we can only feed the wolves one at a time..
and the wolf that you fatten up.. is the one that's gonna take your character...


love is suicide... - (bodies)smashing pumpkins


mrs. wormwood: any questions..?
calvin: what's the point of human existence..?


if you don't know what you want..
try to at least know the things that you don't want..


the hopeless: define love..
the romantic: love is.. when i found you.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

the hopeless: hahahahaha! wag kang ganyan.. baka dibdibin ko yan..
kung joke man yan.. it means half meant yan.. so you half love me..! yey!
the romantic: asa...


a beautiful girl once told me a story about sponge bob..

sponge bob and squidward are walking.. then suddenly sponge bob hears someone crying..
sponge bob suddenly stops.. then signals squidward to stop too and accidentally hits him in the face with his hand.. squidward falls to the ground..

sponge bob: i hear sounds of despair..
squidward: maybe it's just me..
sponge bob: no.. not bitterness... despair...


"anything that you can acquire.. is something that you will eventually lose.."

you're worth the pain..


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